

MCPHD Environmental Public Health Tracking Dashboard


MCPHD’s tracking program seeks to provide data on health, the environment, and our population’s demographics to empower the public to review and analyze this data.

For more than 20 years, the CDC’s National Environmental Public Health Tracking Program has collected, integrated, and analyzed non-infectious disease and environmental data from a nationwide group of partners—over 30 states and numerous counties are represented in this network.


To Use Our Site:

Our site is organized into 4 main tabs (available at the top of the window).

  1. For information on demographics (education, race, and poverty level) of the population, go to Population Profile.

  2. To explore data on environmentally related health outcomes, select from the conditions in the health outcomes drop down.

  3. To see data about water quality, select from the available options in the water quality drop down.

  4. To learn more about the data presented here and potential limitations, check out our About the Data tab.

  5. To return to this page at any time, select Home at the top left.

Data currently presented show information for Marion County, Indiana. Future versions will include data for the entire state of Indiana.

Have questions or need help? Email us at

To access the CDC tracking portal: https://ephtracking.cdc.gov/DataExplorer/


How to interact with data presented on this site


To zoom in or out of maps, use the plus/minus symbols on the top left of the map OR use your mouse scroll wheel.

Legends for maps are presented at the lower left of each map to explain what each color represents.


Hovering your mouse icon over any of the graphs will cause a menu to display on the top right of the graph (see image on the right for an example).

  • To download a PNG file of the graph, click the camera icon on the far left.

  • To zoom in or out of the graph, use the magnifying glass icon (second from the left), or the plus and minus icons in the middle.

  • For clustered bar graphs (shown in the age group graphs), you can use the icon on the far right to display multiple data points when hovering over the cluster. To change back to only seeing one, select the second option from the right.

  • Information displayed on each graph can be changed using the legend item. To remove an item, click the legend item once. To isolate an item, double click the item in the legend. To change the graph back to the original, double click on a legend item.

Downloading Data:

  • Data sets that create the graphs and maps on the Health Outcomes and Water Quality pages can be downloaded by clicking the “Download” link under the map or graph you want to see the data for.



Dashboard created by:

Jennifer Zuker, MPH

Elizabeth Bowman, MPH

Keith Nowak, MPH

The following departments made substantial contributions to this dashboard:


Water Quality and Hazardous Materials Management

Food and Consumer Safety

Corporate Information Services

Suggested Citation

Suggested Citation: Marion County Public Health Department, Epidemiology Department. MCPHD Environmental Public Health Tracking Dashboard. Web. Accessed: [current date]. https://marionhealth.org/explore-data/.

Population Profile


Population Profile


Data currently presented show information for Marion County, Indiana. Future versions will include data for the entire state of Indiana.


Total Marion County Population


Total Marion County Population Below Poverty Threshold



Marion County Population by Race

Marion County Population by Education Level


Race/Ethnicity Population Estimate Percent of Population
Asian/Pacific Islander 41,894 4%
Black/African American, Non-Hispanic 293,458 30%
Hispanic/Latino 111,056 11%
Native American/Alaskan Native 1,826 0%
White, Non-Hispanic 530,765 54%

Education Level Population with Education Level Population Over 25 Percent of Population with Education Level
Less than high school diploma 83,635 645,834 13%
High school graduate (includes equivalency) 175,662 645,834 27%
Some college or associate’s degree 169,534 645,834 26%
Bachelor’s degree or higher 209,182 645,834 32%


White and Minority Population by Zip Code


Minority Populations by Zip Code, 2018-2022

White Population by Zip Code, 2018-2022



MCPHD Environmental Public Health Tracking Dashboard




Asthma is a chronic health condition that makes breathing more difficult and results in symptoms such as shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing. Asthma can be managed through medication and regular doctor visits. Environmental factors such as tobacco smoke, indoor and outdoor pollution, and allergens have been linked to increased asthma attacks.

For more information about how the data were collected, limitations, and how to interpret rates and statistics, see the About the Data tab.

Data currently presented show information for Marion County, Indiana. Future versions will include data for the entire state of Indiana.

Source: Asthma. (2016, December 14). CDC. Retrieved from https://ephtracking.cdc.gov/showAsthmaAndEnv


Asthma by Zip Code



To download a dataset with Asthma ED Visits by ZIP code for Marion County, click: Download Asthma ED Visits by ZIP Code

To download a dataset with Asthma hospitalizations by ZIP code for Marion County, click: Download Asthma Hospitalizations by ZIP Code


Asthma by Year


ED Rates per 10,000

ED Visits

Hospitalization Rate per 10,000

Hospital Admissions


To download a dataset with Asthma ED Visits by year for Marion County, click: Download Asthma ED Visits by Year

To download a dataset with Asthma hospitalizations by year for Marion County, click: Download Asthma Hospitalizations by Year


Asthma by Age Group


ED Visits



To download a dataset with Asthma ED Visits by age group for Marion County, click: Download Asthma ED Visits by Age Group

To download a dataset with Asthma hospitalizations by age group for Marion County, click: Download Asthma Hospitalizations by Age Group


Asthma by Race


ED Visits



To download a dataset with Asthma ED Visits by race for Marion County, click: Download Asthma ED Visits by Race

To download a dataset with Asthma hospitalizations by Race for Marion County, click: Download Asthma Hospitalizations by Race


Asthma by Sex


ED Visits



To download a dataset with Asthma ED Visits by sex for Marion County, click: Download Asthma ED Visits by Sex

To download a dataset with Asthma hospitalizations by Race for Marion County, click: Download Asthma Hospitalizations by Sex


Interpreting Data

Age-Adjusted Rates: Rates are presented as an age-adjusted rate with a 95% confidence interval. Age-adjusted rates adjust for differences in the distribution of age in a population to allow many populations to be compared with one another.

Confidence Intervals: Confidence intervals are a range in which the true value is likely to fall. The confidence level is the probability that the confidence interval includes the true value; this program uses a 95% confidence level.

Rate per 10,000: Rates in this program are shown as a rate per 10,000 or 100,000 in order to make comparisons easier. A rate per 10,000 will describe the number of events or illnesses that occurred in a population of 10,000 people. Rates were calculated using the number of ED visits or the number of deaths as the numerator. The denominator is the estimated mid-year resident population. The rates were adjusted with the 2000 U.S. Standard Population.


Data Sources

Emergency Department Visits: Emergency Department (ED) visits were collected from ED records that contained ICD-10 codes that were chosen to include visits where the discharge diagnosis was related to each condition. These data currently include only Marion County residents who went to either a Marion County hospital or a hospital elsewhere in Indiana.

Hospitalizations: Hospitalization data is collected by Indiana hospitals and filtered down by looking at ICD-10 diagnosis codes. These data currently include only Marion County residents who went to either a Marion County hospital or a hospital elsewhere in Indiana.



Emergency Department (ED) visits for Marion County residents who went to an out-of-state hospital were excluded, as were out-of-county residents who went to a Marion County hospital. Marion County residents who went to an Emergency Department outside of Marion County were included. Differences in data over time may be due to differences in ICD-10 coding, fluctuations in data quality, percentage of data reported, and hospital admission practices. Use and quality of ICD-10 coding across hospitals and within hospitals varies due to differences in practice patterns, and billing procedures. Differences seen in the data may be attributable to this. Transfers from other hospitals and multiple visits by the same person are counted as separate visits to the ED. Rates presented for Emergency Department visits show the number of ED visits per 10,000 population. Rates do not show the proportion of the population with a specific condition or the number of people with an ED visit related to that condition.



MCPHD Environmental Public Health Tracking Dashboard


Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)


Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) consists of chronic lung diseases that cause breathing problems, including emphysema and chronic bronchitis. COPD symptoms include shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing. COPD is most commonly caused by exposure to tobacco smoke. Other air pollutants, such as high ozone levels, respiratory infections, and genetics also contribute to the development of COPD.

For more information about how the data were collected, limitations, and how to interpret rates and statistics, see the About the Data tab.

Data currently presented show information for Marion County, Indiana. Future versions will include data for the entire state of Indiana.

Source: CDC - Basics About COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). CDC. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/copd/basics-about.html


COPD by Zip Code



To download a dataset with COPD ED Visits by ZIP code for Marion County, click: Download COPD ED Visits by ZIP Code

To download a dataset with COPD hospitalizations by ZIP code for Marion County, click: Download COPD Hospitalizations by ZIP Code


COPD by Year


ED Rates per 10,000

ED Visits

Hospitalization Rate per 10,000

Hospital Admissions


To download a dataset with COPD ED Visits by year for Marion County, click: Download COPD ED Visits by Year

To download a dataset with COPD hospitalizations by year for Marion County, click: Download COPD Hospitalizations by Year


COPD by Age Group


ED Visits



To download a dataset with COPD ED Visits by age group for Marion County, click: Download COPD ED Visits by Age Group

To download a dataset with COPD hospitalizations by age group for Marion County, click: Download COPD Hospitalizations by Age Group

COPD by Race


ED Visits



To download a dataset with COPD ED Visits by race for Marion County, click: Download COPD ED Visits by Race

To download a dataset with COPD hospitalizations by Race for Marion County, click: Download COPD Hospitalizations by Race


COPD by Sex


ED Visits



To download a dataset with COPD ED Visits by sex for Marion County, click: Download COPD ED Visits by Sex

To download a dataset with COPD hospitalizations by Race for Marion County, click: Download COPD Hospitalizations by Sex


Interpreting Data

Age-Adjusted Rates: Rates are presented as an age-adjusted rate with a 95% confidence interval. Age-adjusted rates adjust for differences in the distribution of age in a population to allow many populations to be compared with one another.

Confidence Intervals: Confidence intervals are a range in which the true value is likely to fall. The confidence level is the probability that the confidence interval includes the true value; this program uses a 95% confidence level.

Rate per 10,000: Rates in this program are shown as a rate per 10,000 or 100,000 in order to make comparisons easier. A rate per 10,000 will describe the number of events or illnesses that occurred in a population of 10,000 people. Rates were calculated using the number of ED visits or the number of deaths as the numerator. The denominator is the estimated mid-year resident population. The rates were adjusted with the 2000 U.S. Standard Population.


Data Sources

Emergency Department Visits: Emergency Department (ED) visits were collected from ED records that contained ICD-10 codes that were chosen to include visits where the discharge diagnosis was related to each condition. These data currently include only Marion County residents who went to either a Marion County hospital or a hospital elsewhere in Indiana.

Hospitalizations: Hospitalization data is collected by Indiana hospitals and filtered down by looking at ICD-10 diagnosis codes. These data currently include only Marion County residents who went to either a Marion County hospital or a hospital elsewhere in Indiana.



Emergency Department (ED) visits for Marion County residents who went to an out-of-state hospital were excluded, as were out-of-county residents who went to a Marion County hospital. Marion County residents who went to an Emergency Department outside of Marion County were included. Differences in data over time may be due to differences in ICD-10 coding, fluctuations in data quality, percentage of data reported, and hospital admission practices. Use and quality of ICD-10 coding across hospitals and within hospitals varies due to differences in practice patterns, and billing procedures. Differences seen in the data may be attributable to this. Transfers from other hospitals and multiple visits by the same person are counted as separate visits to the ED. Rates presented for Emergency Department visits show the number of ED visits per 10,000 population. Rates do not show the proportion of the population with a specific condition or the number of people with an ED visit related to that condition.

Heart Attacks


MCPHD Environmental Public Health Tracking Dashboard


Heart Attacks


A heart attack happens when an artery in the heart is blocked and not enough blood is pumped to the heart. Many risk factors, including age, tobacco use, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, unhealthy diet, and diabetes, can lead to arteries becoming blocked with fatty deposits. Heart attacks have also been associated air pollution. Air pollution disproportionately impacts vulnerable populations, such as older adults, people with heart disease and COPD, and people with prior heart attacks.

For more information about how the data were collected, limitations, and how to interpret rates and statistics, see the About the Data tab.

Data currently presented show information for Marion County, Indiana. Future versions will include data for the entire state of Indiana.

Source: Heart Disease. (2017, January 05). CDC. Retrieved from https://ephtracking.cdc.gov/showHeartExpRisk.action


Heart Attacks by Zip Code



To download a dataset with Heart Attack hospitalizations by ZIP code for Marion County, click: Download Heart Attack Hospitalizations by ZIP Code


Heart Attacks by Year


Hospitalization Rate per 10,000

Hospital Admissions


To download a dataset with Heart Attack hospitalizations by year for Marion County, click: Download Heart Attack Hospitalizations by Year


Heart Attacks by Age Group



To download a dataset with Heart Attack hospitalizations by age group for Marion County, click: Download Heart Attack Hospitalizations by Age Group


Heart Attacks by Race



To download a dataset with Heart Attack hospitalizations by Race for Marion County, click: Download Heart Attack Hospitalizations by Race


Heart Attacks by Sex



To download a dataset with Heart Attack hospitalizations by Race for Marion County, click: Download Heart Attack Hospitalizations by Sex


Interpreting Data

Age-Adjusted Rates: Rates are presented as an age-adjusted rate with a 95% confidence interval. Age-adjusted rates adjust for differences in the distribution of age in a population to allow many populations to be compared with one another.

Confidence Intervals: Confidence intervals are a range in which the true value is likely to fall. The confidence level is the probability that the confidence interval includes the true value; this program uses a 95% confidence level.

Rate per 10,000: Rates in this program are shown as a rate per 10,000 or 100,000 in order to make comparisons easier. A rate per 10,000 will describe the number of events or illnesses that occurred in a population of 10,000 people. Rates were calculated using the number of ED visits or the number of deaths as the numerator. The denominator is the estimated mid-year resident population. The rates were adjusted with the 2000 U.S. Standard Population.


Data Sources

Emergency Department Visits: Emergency Department (ED) visits were collected from ED records that contained ICD-10 codes that were chosen to include visits where the discharge diagnosis was related to each condition. These data currently include only Marion County residents who went to either a Marion County hospital or a hospital elsewhere in Indiana.

Hospitalizations: Hospitalization data is collected by Indiana hospitals and filtered down by looking at ICD-10 diagnosis codes. These data currently include only Marion County residents who went to either a Marion County hospital or a hospital elsewhere in Indiana.



Emergency Department (ED) visits for Marion County residents who went to an out-of-state hospital were excluded, as were out-of-county residents who went to a Marion County hospital. Marion County residents who went to an Emergency Department outside of Marion County were included. Differences in data over time may be due to differences in ICD-10 coding, fluctuations in data quality, percentage of data reported, and hospital admission practices. Use and quality of ICD-10 coding across hospitals and within hospitals varies due to differences in practice patterns, and billing procedures. Differences seen in the data may be attributable to this. Transfers from other hospitals and multiple visits by the same person are counted as separate visits to the ED. Rates presented for Emergency Department visits show the number of ED visits per 10,000 population. Rates do not show the proportion of the population with a specific condition or the number of people with an ED visit related to that condition.

Community Water


MCPHD Environmental Public Health Tracking Dashboard


Community Water


What is a Community Water System (CWS)?

Public Water Systems provide drinking water to over 90% of people in the US. These public water systems are categorized by the EPA based on how many people they serve, how much of the year they serve their population, and water source. A community water system, or CWS, is a public water system that supplies water to the same population year-round. Three CWS (Citizen’s Energy Group, City of Lawrence Utilities, and Speedway Water Works) provide drinking water to more than 924,000 residents of Marion County.

For more information on Public Water Systems, visit https://www.epa.gov/dwreginfo

How is a CWS Regulated?

Community Water Systems are regulated by the EPA. Regulatory practices ensure safe drinking water in several ways including setting legal limits on over 90 contaminants, setting water-testing schedules to monitor contaminants, requiring CWSs to provide an annual Consumer Confidence Report, and by researching unregulated contaminants.

For more information on CWs regulations, visit https://www.epa.gov/dwreginfo/drinking-water-regulations.

What are the contaminants listed here?

Arsenic: Arsenic is a naturally occurring element that can be found in rocks, soil, plants, and water. Arsenic can also be released into the environment from man-made activities, such as wood preservation and smelting. Exposure to Arsenic may result in negative health effects such as nausea and vomiting, abnormal heart rhythms, skin abnormalities, throat and lung irritation, and an increased risk of certain cancers. The EPA sets a Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) at 10 µg/L and requires routine monitoring of CWS to minimize these health risks.

Nitrate: Nitrate is a compound that can enter a drinking water supply from both natural and man-made sources. Sources of nitrate include fertilizer, septic tanks, wastewater runoff, landfills, decaying plant debris, and animal feedlots. High levels of nitrates can be harmful to human health because it can interfere with the ability of blood to carry oxygen throughout the body, especially in babies. The EPA sets a MCL at 10 mg/L and requires routine monitoring of CWS to minimize these health risks.

Disinfection Byproducts: Most drinking water is required to be treated with disinfectants, such as chlorine or chloramines, to kill harmful bacteria and viruses that may live in source water. When chemical disinfectants combine with substances found in untreated water disinfection byproducts, or DBPs, are formed. Although this is an important part of the water treatment process, high levels of some DBPs can be harmful to human health by increasing the risk of some types of cancer. Some DBPs are regulated by the EPA, including Haloaceitic Acids (HAA5) and Trihalomethanes (TTHM). The EPA sets MCLs and monitoring requirements for these and some other DBPs.

For more information on DBPs, visit the Indiana Department of Environmental Management’s Drinking Water site: https://www.in.gov/idem/cleanwater/drinking-water/

Data currently presented show information for Marion County, Indiana. Future versions will include data for the entire state of Indiana.

Acronyms listed:

CWS - Community water system

DBP - Disinfection byproducts

EPA - Environmental Protection Agency

HAA5 - Haloacetic acids, a group of disinfection byproducts

MCL - Maximum contaminant level

TTHM - Trihalomethanes, a group of disinfection byproducts



Haloacetic Acids (HAA5)


Trihalomethanes (TTHM)


Water Systems in Marion County

Water Systems Population Served Service Connections
Citizens Water - Indianapolis 862,835 2,761,072
City Of Lawrence Utilities 49,000 89,058
Speedway Water Works 12,473 29,934


To download a dataset with Community Water Information for Marion County, click: Download Community Water


Data Sources

Community Water: Data on Community Water Systems is provided by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM). This data are submitted to IDEM on a regular basis by the community water system, as required by state and federal law.

About the Data


MCPHD Environmental Public Health Tracking Dashboard


About the Data


Interpreting Data

Age-Adjusted Rates: Rates are presented as an age-adjusted rate with a 95% confidence interval. Age-adjusted rates adjust for differences in the distribution of age in a population to allow many populations to be compared with one another.

Confidence Intervals: Confidence intervals are a range in which the true value is likely to fall. The confidence level is the probability that the confidence interval includes the true value; this program uses a 95% confidence level.

Rate per 10,000: Rates in this program are shown as a rate per 10,000 or 100,000 in order to make comparisons easier. A rate per 10,000 will describe the number of events or illnesses that occurred in a population of 10,000 people. Rates were calculated using the number of ED visits or the number of deaths as the numerator. The denominator is the estimated mid-year resident population. The rates were adjusted with the 2000 U.S. Standard Population.


Data Sources

Emergency Department Visits: Emergency Department (ED) visits were collected from ED records that contained ICD-10 codes that were chosen to include visits where the discharge diagnosis was related to each condition. These data currently include only Marion County residents who went to either a Marion County hospital or a hospital elsewhere in Indiana.

Hospitalizations: Hospitalization data is collected by Indiana hospitals and filtered down by looking at ICD-10 diagnosis codes. These data currently include only Marion County residents who went to either a Marion County hospital or a hospital elsewhere in Indiana.

Community Water: Data on Community Water Systems is provided by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM). This data are submitted to IDEM on a regular basis by the community water system, as required by state and federal law.



Emergency Department (ED) visits for Marion County residents who went to an out-of-state hospital were excluded, as were out-of-county residents who went to a Marion County hospital. Marion County residents who went to an Emergency Department outside of Marion County were included. Differences in data over time may be due to differences in ICD-10 coding, fluctuations in data quality, percentage of data reported, and hospital admission practices. Use and quality of ICD-10 coding across hospitals and within hospitals varies due to differences in practice patterns, and billing procedures. Differences seen in the data may be attributable to this. Transfers from other hospitals and multiple visits by the same person are counted as separate visits to the ED. Rates presented for Emergency Department visits show the number of ED visits per 10,000 population. Rates do not show the proportion of the population with a specific condition or the number of people with an ED visit related to that condition.