Guidance on Dental Care

MCPHD Dental Health would like to share some important information:


1.Watch snacking during these stay at home times. More frequent snacking places you and your children at a much higher risk of dental decay. Make tooth brushing and flossing part of the daily schedule in your home.


2. Supervise your child’s brushing and flossing! Now that we are all at home, it gives you an opportunity to really make sure that your child is doing the most thorough job they can and you are there to help them with those skills.


3. Brushing more than 2 rimes a day would be an excellent way to work on improving some of the habits and keep their teeth clean. Try brushing after each meal. Flossing with brushing is a great way to instill wonderful oral hygiene and set them up for a life of great oral hygiene. At the very least, make sure flossing is occurring at least once a day.


4. Avoid chewing on ice, hard candy or any very hard food to lower your chance of breaking a tooth.


5. Our offices will be providing emergency care throughout this stay at home period. Patients qualifying for emergency care (severe tooth ache, loose or knocked out tooth, broken tooth, abscess or infection and swelling) will be at the discretion of the dentist based on the individual circumstance.