Mosquito Control – We hope to set a realistic expectation regarding what adulticiding for mosquitoes will and will not do. First and foremost we do not spray to eradicate mosquitoes; we spray to reduce the possibility of contact with mosquitoes carrying West Nile Virus. Spraying will only kill adult mosquitoes that are out and come in contact with the fog being sprayed, there is no residual effect. Additionally, we are limited to the number of times we can spray in a certain area.
Water Quality and Hazardous Materials Management – The programs within WQHMM include: Environmental, Indoor Air Quality, Hazardous Materials, Private Well/Pump, Onsite Sewage Disposal Systems (Septic Systems), Public Swimming Pools, Tattoo, Body Piercing, and Microblading, Childcare Facilities and Smoking in Commercial Building or Business.