3901 Meadows Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46205
Business Hours:
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Phone Number:
The Tuberculosis Program (TB Program) coordinates public health nursing case management activities for all individuals in Marion County with active or latent tuberculosis. Services include provision of TB therapy at no cost to clients, medication administration of directly observed therapy, sputum collection, assurance of appropriate care, and contact investigations. Additionally, the TB program provides expert advice to area healthcare providers on TB, maintenance of all Marion County TB records, and monitoring of trends for outbreak and targeted testing purposes. The TB program also maintains the Tuberculosis and Refugee Care (T.A.R.C.) Clinic for TB follow-up of uninsured Marion County residents and newly arrived refugees.
ISDH Report on TB
TB Medication Referral Form
Indiana American Lung Association Tuberculosis Education
Global Tuberculosis Institute: Treatment of Tuberculosis
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention TB
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention TB Treatment