We are in the process of updating our website. To access any of the documents on this page please email us at healthdept@marionhealth.org. 


Do you know that less than 1% of the earth’s water is fresh water, and only about one-third of this 1% is available for human use?  That means that only one-third of one percent of ALL the worlds water is available for drinking water, and most of this water is contaminated in some way.

A majority of Marion County’s drinking water comes from surface water like rivers, lakes, and streams.  However, a considerable amount of freshwater is in the ground in the form of groundwater.  Approximately 30% of Marion County’s drinking water comes from groundwater supplies.  That means a third of all our drinking water is below ground, and comes to us via groundwater wells.

In order to protect this precious resource the Marion County Public Health Department Hazardous Materials Team conducts inspections of regulated businesses within Marion County’s seven Wellfield Protection Areas. These inspections are intended to protect our groundwater from contamination, which will allow us to continue to use this very scarce resource. Marion County first initiated an inspection program to protect groundwater in the mid-1990s with the implementation of the Marion County Wellfield Protection Zoning Ordinance. This ordinance was developed to ensure that all proposed developed business sites constructed in a Wellfield Protection Zoning District are conducting safe handling practices of potential groundwater contaminants. In January 2017, the Marion County Public Health Department established the Marion County Wellfield Protection Standards Ordinance which broadened these regulatory standards to include all new and established businesses operating in a Wellfield Protection Area. Staff members work directly with facilities to ensure compliance, and to encourage best business practices for facilities operating a business while storing, handling, managing, and/or transporting potential groundwater contaminants.

Inspection frequency is determined using several site specific factors including types and amounts of chemicals stored at a location, facility history including past spills, and previous inspection history.



Health and Hospital Code: Chapter 19 Non Residential Premises Ordinance

Health and Hospital Code: Chapter 20 Hazardous Materials Ordinance

Health and Hospital Code: Chapter 13 Wellfield Protection Standards



Wellfield Protection Ordinance of Marion County



Marion County Wellfield Education Corporation

Good Business Practices for Wellfield Protection (9/2001)

Wellfield Ordinance Guidebook for Marion County Businesses 

Guia de Ordenanza de los Campos de Pozos para la Sempresas del Condado de Marion

Maintenance Shop Dry Cleaner Guidance (English/Spanish)



Emergency Response Spill Prevention Plan: pdf  Word

In Spanish: pdf  Word

Employee Training Emergency Response Plan: pdf  Word

In Spanish: pdf  Word

Employee Training Spill Kit: pdf  Word

In Spanish: pdf  Word

Potential Groundwater Contaminants and Waste Inventory: pdf  Word

In Spanish: pdf  Word

Notification to Suppliers and Waste: pdf  Word

In Spanish: pdf  Word

Special Requirements Notice Agreement: pdf  Word

In Spanish: pdf  Word

Roster of Occupants: pdf  Word

In Spanish: pdf  Word

Notification of Change of Ownership or Operation: pdf  Word

In Spanish: pdf  Word

Notification of Change of Occupant or Operation: pdf  Word

In Spanish: pdf  Word



Notification Sign: pdf  Word

In Spanish: pdf  Word

No Chemical Disposal Dumping Sign: pdf  Word

In Spanish: pdf  Word

Citizens Water Sign: pdf  Word

In Spanish: pdf  Word

Lawrence Water Sign: pdf  Word

In Spanish: pdf  Word

Speedway Water Sign: pdf  Word

In Spanish: pdf  Word



City of Indianapolis ToxDrop Program

Marion County Wellfield Education Corporation

IDEM Wellhead Protection Program

IDEM Drinking Water Watch

EPA Source Water Protection

Keep Indianapolis Beautiful

Indianapolis Department of Public Works