MCPHD Zika Control

Health surveillance and testing

  • Women who are pregnant and have recently traveled to a Zika-affected country or territory within the previous 12 weeks should talk to their health care provider about being tested for Zika virus.


  • Any person who has traveled to a Zika-affected country and has developed symptoms consistent with Zika virus infection (fever, rash, joint pain, conjunctivitis) should consult their health care provider about being tested for Zika virus.


  • Any person who is planning to travel to a Zika- affected country should follow the recommended guidelines for mosquito bite prevention published by CDC to reduce risk of exposure to Zika virus. Information for Travelers.


  • Providers who need information about Zika virus testing for a patient should contact the Indiana State Department of Health for testing authorization and specimen collection and submission instructions. Guidance for healthcare providers.


  • Any person who has questions about Zika virus or Zika virus testing can call the MCPHD Infectious Diseases program at (317) 221-2117 for more information.