To check if your destination is an active Zika zone, check the CDC Travel site:
Areas with Zika
People who are travelling to areas with active Zika transmission should avoid bug bites by using insect repellent, covering all exposed skin, and sleeping under a net or using air conditioning when available.
Avoid bug bites
Men who develop Zika-like illness should wait for 6 months after returning from an area with active Zika transmission before having unprotected sex with their partner. Women who develop symptoms should wait 8 weeks before having unprotected sex with their partner. Women and men who do not develop any symptoms of Zika virus infection and do not have any evidence of exposure to the virus should consistently practice safe sex or abstain from sex with their partner for 8 weeks after returning from an area with active Zika virus transmission.
Women who have returned from an area with active Zika transmission should wait approximately 8 weeks before trying to get pregnant.