Lead Poisoning Prevention, Management, and Treatment Information for Providers


Child Lead Poisoning Prevention Quick Guide – A quick guide of lead sources, risk factors, when to test, and how to follow up.


Pregnant and Lactating Women Lead Poisoning Prevention Quick Guide – A quick guide of lead sources, risk factors, when to test, and how to follow up.


Protecting Our Communities from Lead: A Toolkit for Health Care Providers – This toolkit was created for health care providers as a reference guide for the requirement of blood lead testing and follow-up procedures for children 6 years of age or younger. Developed by the Marion County Public Health Department’s Lead Poisoning Prevention Program, the toolkit contains information from the Center of Disease and Prevention Control (CDC), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and Indiana Lead and Healthy Homes Division.


Elevated Blood Lead Test Result Notification Form


MCPHD Provider Compliance Reports – Results of quarterly lead testing compliance evaluations for Marion County providers.


2016 Childhood Lead Surveillance Report – The Indiana State Department of Health’s report including statewide and county specific data for lead testing rates, hazard sources and case management services.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Lead (Pb) webpage – The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides data and statistics, guidance, and resources for additional lead information.


Lead Poisoning Prevention in Newly Arrived Refugee Children: Tool Kit – CDC guidelines for lead poisoning prevention among the refugee population.


Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) – An overview of lead poisoning in young children including the causes and health effects as well as prevention measures.


Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) – A list of resources such as Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment regulations, letters, and reports on lead screening in the Medicaid population.


American Academy of Pediatric (AAP) – Resources about lead screening and treatment.


A more extensive list of resources can be found on the CDC Partner webpage.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention anticipatory guidance – resources for healthcare providers to educate parents about major sources of lead and how to prevent poisoning.