Puberty: The Wonder Years

  • Offered for Grades 5 and 6
  • 6 Lessons

The main focus of the lessons is to promote appreciation and respect for the changes experienced by themselves and others. Each lesson focuses on different topics such as communication, puberty changes, refusal skills, and media influences to name a few. It was written by Wendy Sellers, a registered nurse, certified prevention consultant, published author, editor, and health education consultant. It has been reviewed by a highly qualified panel of reviewers representing local, state, and national points of view. This program encourages parents, guardians, and caregivers to be involved as their child is growing and seeks to foster open communication by sending home family worksheets; this provides the student with an accurate source of information from someone they trust. Skills that students will gain on completion of this program include:


  • How to communication with trusted adults
  • Ability to differentiate between unreliable and reliable sources of information
  • Ability to take care of their body
  • Knowledge on puberty