Hazardous Materials

Each day hundreds of Marion County businesses use, store, manufacture, or transport hazardous products or waste in and through Marion County. Hazardous Materials and Environmental Health Specialists with the Department of Water Quality and Hazardous Materials Management are ready 24/7 to respond to situations when hazardous materials are released or spilled both at a fixed site and during transportation. The department works very closely with on-scene coordinators from the U.S. EPA and IDEM to bring closure to incidents impacting or likely to impact public health and the environment in Marion County. In addition to performing emergency response to hazardous materials incidents, staff responds to citizen complaints regarding the misuse, mishandling, or improper disposal of hazardous substances. Staff also works very closely with fire and police departments in responding to incidents involving chemical, biological, and radiological threats or weapons.


Applicable Health and Hospital Code used by the Hazardous Materials program:

Code Chapter 20: Hazardous Materials


Chem Bucks Remaining                    Suits B                    Chem Pile


Marion County Hazardous Materials Guidebook.pdf
Health Concerns of Pesticides.pdf
Inquitudes de Salud Relacionadas con los Pesticidas.pdf
You Have A Role To Play In Protecting Yourself During Chemical Emergencies.pdf
Uste Tiene Una Funcion Que Cumplir Para Protegerse A Si Mismo Durante Las Emergencias Causadas Por Sustancias Quimicas.pdf
It Takes Chemicals to Make Stuff.pdf
Las sustancias quiicas estan en cualquire producto.pdf
Recycling Prescription Medications.pdf



Chemicals in Our Community

Shelter in Place and Evacuation During a Hazardous Materials Incident




IDEM Emergency Response

IDEM Compliance and Technical Assistance Program

IDEM Inspection and Cleanup of Illegal Drug Labs

Indiana State Police Meth Suppression Section

Indiana Traffic Incident Management Effort


Indianapolis Tox Drop